Gumtree’s carbon calculations prove the value of a circular economy

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Education, Operational

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Longer term


Buying new goods, like most things, creates a carbon footprint. So, to promote the true benefit of the circular economy, Gumtree与利兹大学合作,量化购买新东西的影响, versus reusing something that already exists. To make this more tangible, 他们将一群人的累积碳排放量转化为等量的行动, such as flying from London to Sydney. The intention? 为了表明如果每个人都做出一点小小的改变,就能产生很大的不同.

What are you aiming to achieve?

Gumtree通过确保本地交易安全,使英国数百万人能够参与到循环经济中来, simple and enjoyable.

It’s generally understood that to tackle the unfolding climate crisis, 我们需要通过减少消费和重复利用现有产品来减少新产品的生产. 然而,绝大多数人仍然默认购买新的,通常是出于方便的原因. 因此,我们的研究发现,英国在2019年至2021年期间将300万件物品送往垃圾填埋场.

We created a carbon calculator 通过简单易懂的比较,向消费者展示个人购物习惯对环境的影响. Our aim is to shock people into thinking ‘why’ before buying new.


A women standing on a ladder with a screwdriver in her hand.

Describe how the initiative works

Gumtree与利兹大学合作创建了一个模型,计算与英国所有商品和服务消费生产相关的隐含温室气体排放(GHG). Gumtree碳排放储蓄计算器(简称碳计算器)的数据来自英国官方政府 analysis of the carbon footprint 并为个人产品和服务提供平均碳足迹.

该模型的计算通过显示新产品生产时产生的二氧化碳排放量,为我们的选择提供了可操作性. Gumtree团队将这一数值转化为相关且易于理解的内容, 比如每天洗热水澡的碳足迹或长途飞行的次数. 我们让购买新物品而不是二手物品时产生的碳排放量显而易见且不可避免.

为了应对气候危机,企业必须共同努力,创造一个可持续的未来. 因此,Gumtree愿意与其他组织分享其碳计算器,让人们了解我们作为一个国家正在做出的消费选择.


What was the first step you took to get the initiative off the ground?

We knew that for Gumtree to make a difference, 我们不得不强调英国与过度消费的关系,并对电子商务行业的状况极其诚实. 我们首先向英格兰所有33个地方议会发布了信息自由要求,以了解每年产生的废物水平.

The returned data clearly showed the UK is tackling a huge waste problem. 我们需要一种方式来沟通这个问题,并开始寻找合作伙伴,他们可以帮助解释个人行为对环境的影响,让人们注意到.


What budget/resource did you need to get started?

生产碳计算器的项目由Gumtree的营销团队负责. We worked closely with our external communications agency, PLMR, to find a credible partner, which we did with John Barrett, 利兹大学地球与环境学院能源与气候政策教授.


What positive impact has it had? 

The carbon calculator has enabled Gumtree to quantify overconsumption. To provoke and shock, 我们将个人购买单个或一小组新物品的碳足迹,并将这个数字乘以更大的社区.

For example, 碳计算器显示,仅在接下来的三个月里,每个人是否都把购买的家居用品从新的换成了二手的, an estimated 10.全国将减少90亿公斤的碳排放——足够英国每个人享受6个月的热水澡.

Alternatively, if all new parents bought a new monitor, cot, pushchair and clothes for their baby, that’s the same carbon footprint as flying to the moon and back 57 times.



●  重新发明轮子通常是浪费时间,但调整一个伟大的想法可以产生巨大的生产力. Gumtree的碳计算器并不是唯一的碳足迹计算器, but none of the available models were right for what we needed. By analysing what already existed, 我们可以与利兹大学合作,创建一个定制的碳计算器,可以直接与我们的客户对话,并帮助强调拥抱循环经济的重要性.

●  Once you have invested in a tool, use it if it works. 我们一直在积极寻找方法,将碳计算器纳入我们的内部和外部信息和材料中.


Can you sum the initiative up in one sentence?

Gumtree’s carbon calculator 是一种常青树的工具,可以快速而简单地展示购买新产品与拥抱循环经济的影响吗.


Can you provide a quote from someone that works on the project?

Hannah Rouch, Gumtree首席营销官:“我们的世界正面临着如此巨大的气候危机,以至于人们很难理解他们的个人行动如何能带来改变. 我们的碳计算器将消费选择对环境的影响变为现实, making it easier for people to grasp the consequences of their actions and, therefore, make better decisions. 至关重要的是,我们都要更多地意识到我们的碳足迹,并拥抱减少的理念, reuse and recycle.

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